Friday, November 28, 2008

I am the champion

I. Did. It.

I actually completed NaNoWriMo. I wrote 50,000 words. In one month. In 28 days, to be specific. And I wrote the final words wearing a Santa hat. Which just makes it that much cooler.

Is it dorky that I'm so insanely proud of myself right now? Before I decided to do NaNoWriMo, I had literally written nothing besides my blog and a few columns for the Columbus Dispatch in four years. And in one month, I wrote something that was longer than my entire graduate thesis. Which means I can totally still do it. Whether it's any good or not remains to be seen. But still. I totally did it.

The only bad thing: the novel isn't actually finished yet. Which is actually a good thing, because it gives me something to keep working towards. And then the revision process, and then, who knows? Maybe try to find an agent? I don't know. The world might not be ready for the John Boston story yet. But when it is, kapow, watch out, America.

All I know is that I totally did it. And I am totally going to Cracker Barrel right now to celebrate. Because that's the way that we high-velocity novelists roll. Awwww, yeah.

6 pipers piping:

penelope said...

Wowza!! You rock! I'm way impressed.

Anonymous said...

That's bitchin'! Also, you were in my dream the other night. In your wedding dress. Don't know why. Also, possibly creepy since I don't actually, technically know you.

Megs said...

I'm so happy for you! The discovery that it's all still there is the greatest ever.


ashley said...

You are the champion! I applaud you! And fistfights!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is truly awesome. I am impressed and in awe. And of course, I want to read it.

Jessica said...

congratulations, lady!!!

you should be VERY PROUD of yourself!!
