Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Because being friends in real life is simply not enough...

...come be my Facebook friend! Because never looking at my MySpace page was getting to be too much work.

Seriously, though, I've only been on it for a few minutes, but it seems weirdly... fun? Whereas MySpace made me feel old and dried up inside.

So anyway, search me on there and let's buddy up! And if you're not on there, you should join. Every second you don't join is a second that a kitten's cries pierce the night on a sludgy moonlit river bank.

(Look, people pressured me into joining, and I'm here to do you the same kindness. So DO IT!)

2 pipers piping:

penelope said...

I'm so already your friend.
Let's play Wordscraper!
xo, pen

Matt said...

Hooray. I can't tell you how many times I've searched for Kim Oja and Kim Shable on facebook, only to be rebuked (I had a good feeling that the Kim Oja in Finland was not you).

Consider yourself friended.