Monday, July 28, 2008

Blog, Interrupted

Just when I thought I was in, they pull me back out-- the internets are down at my house for the foreseeable future, and (other than this emergency posting), I don't like to blog at work. I'll be back as soon as I can, but to tide you over, here is a brief tidbit-- last night, I had a dream that I lived with Michael and LaToya Jackson, and LaToya had to drive me to work because I couldn't get my car to turn off, and I didn't want it to die in the work parking lot, and Michael was super mad that I had broken my car again.

Life with the Jacksons, man. It's wacky.

3 pipers piping:

Matt said...

Have you seen the episode of South Park where the Internet dries up?

I hear they have some Internet over in Silicon Valley-way.

penelope said...

This is why you must download Windows Live Writer: offline posting! Of course, you do actually have to connect to the internet to publish... but in the meantime, you could be composing and saving drafts!

Clearly I should be getting a cut of their profits, for all my advertising on their behalf.

ashley said...

Are you working with Macauley Caulkin by chance?