Saturday, January 26, 2008

Drama in Real Life

For the past week or so, I have been suffering from extremely achy joints-- particularly my lower back and knees. While most people would attribute this to the mild flu I caught last week, and to the fact that we keep our house at 60 degrees to avoid a repeat of the Dreaded $255 Gas Bill, I fear that there is a more sinister plot in action.

When I was little, I read an installment of "Drama in Real Life" in my parents' copy of Reader's Digest that described a woman that woke up with some aches and pains-- like me!-- that got progressively worse over the course of several days-- like me!-- and then her body shut down completely, the only warning being her achy joints, and she remained in a locked-in state for over three years, forced to communicate only by blinking her eye-- her one non-locked-up eye-- a certain number of times to indicate a letter on a chart. Eventually she recovered, but she was never quite the same. I believe she wrote a book about the experience. But I didn't read the book. I only read "Drama in Real Life," and internalized the fact that if my joints ache, there is a very good chance that I will be confined to a hospital bed, being wiped off with sponges by indifferent nurses every few days and blinking furiously to spell out things like "If only I had gone to the doctor to treat my achy joints before it was too late!"

And that is why parents of nervous children should not subscribe to Reader's Digest.

3 pipers piping:

hat said...

Kim, you crack me up so! When you don't write often, it makes life so, so boring. If your body should ever lock up and you enter into such a state of shutdown, I will totally visit you. At least once a month.

steph said...

oh my, i was OBSESSED with dramam in real life! I will never forget the one where the people were flying and part of the plane ripped off for some reason and someone got sucked out because they weren't wearing a seat belt!! and the other one where someone got half their body eaten by a gator!
i miss drama in real life.

Unknown said...

Also, Albert from Little House on the Prairie had nose bleeds, and then he died.

I had lots of nosebleeds too. I guess I was lucky that sometime between the frontier days and now, humans learned that pinching your nostrils together helped.

drama indeed.
