Sunday, January 21, 2007

My only good halloween costume

We finally got the scanner I got for Christmas working, and so, as a belated Christmas present to you all, I offer this picture of me as a Killer Bee, circa 1988. What made me a killer bee was that I had a machine gun, sadly not pictured here.

Considering I now have an insatiable urge to scan every flat thing in my house, you can expect to see many more images as compelling as this one in the days and weeks to come.

4 pipers piping:

daisy said...

Is it weird that I want to wear the dress part of your killer bee costume this Friday night for cocktails?

ashley said...

Weirdly, you look like this neighbor of mine in this picture. We used to play together a lot. It makes me feel kind of like we lived down the street from each other.

mendacious said...

i thought for sure... you were like a vampire bee.

hat said...

I don't think that cai ao nay xau xi lam, nhat la vi no dua ra cai cap dui om... lam HAT nghi toi thoi xua that xua khi minh con om, khoang 30 kilos!