Monday, January 22, 2007

I can't stop scanning things, so this might be the bulk of my blog for a couple days. But, I feel that the things I'm scanning are excellent insights into my life. Life this weird modge-podge journal I kept for a few weeks in grad school:

6 pipers piping:

penelope said...

So out of control man.

Anonymous said...

You should have had a disclaimer on that post... That picture may haunt my sleep from now on!

Frisby said...


The preceding blog post contained imagery that may not have been appropriate for sensitive viewers. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a heart condition, or are under the age of eighteen (sixteen in Arkansas), you should not have looked at the picture.

Thank you for your cooperation.


CAPTCHA: sukmnm

ashley said...

I don't know what alarms me more - the picture or that it took you until grad school to have this realization.

ashley said...

P.S. Did you happen to notice that you are making almost the exact same hand motion in the picture below as Michael Jackson? Messed up, dude.

Anonymous said...

i won´t worry till you start scanning your ass and posting it on the blog. Keep it real.