Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm unsure

I apologize for the lack of blogging over the last few days-- Ben and I are leaving for Rehoboth Beach, DE, in a few days for our first official vacation, and I am busy alternately fantasizing about how romantic it is going to be and obsessing over the fact that I have not yet assembled a complete set of travel-sized toiletries to carry me through the four-day trek.

In the meantime, I thought I'd post this video I shot while attempting to figure out if Ben's camera phone really could shoot video, as promised (turns out it can, and here it is, for your entertainment!).

2 pipers piping:

ashley said...

Well, Deleware is no Wilmington, but if you've got to go, you've got to go. I feel your pain about the toiletry thing. I hate it when you have to break out a brand new bottle of something to take on a trip. It seems wrong.

Oh, and I think you have a future in cinematography. I expect more entertaining films soon.

Matt said...

Re- Delaware is no Wilmington

Unless, of course, you go to Wilmington, Delaware, where just like Wilmington, NC, the traffic is horrendous.