Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Dear Google Searchers,

This website has nothing to do with Tiffany VanDemark. Yes, I have a picture of her here. But only because all of YOU were looking for her picture, and I was curious. I don't even know which one of these three women she is, but I assume she's the blonde one, who looks sort of like the secretary of the English department at my old university, only if she had become a man and decided to wear a metallic blue bikini to work.

Please don't be angry that you will find no information about Tiffany VanDemark here. As much as I love Ric Flair, my love for him does not extend to his very mannish new wife (why are there medallions on their underwear? Do I even want to know?).

So while it's fun for me to see you all visiting-- from San Paolo! Lithuania! Et cetera! I am afraid that your search for VanDemark-related periphery has come to a dead end.

Much love,

10 pipers piping:

Kurt said...

Best Tiffany VanDemark pic I've found on the whole Internet. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Tiffany is hot as hell. if you don't fancy her you must be gay

Kim said...

Let me just nip this in the bud right now by stating that I absolutely have nothing against Tiffany VanDemark, and I'm sure she's very pretty, other than in this particular picture. Also, I am a girl. So not fancying her actually makes me NOT gay.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man. And here I've been thinking that you WERE Tiffany VanDermark. CURSES!

Anonymous said...

I love it when people anonymously post. So are we certain it's the blonde? Because that brunette has a funny lookin' face, like it was superimposed over a some dude-in-a-bikini body. She looks like a soccer mom, but her head is too small for the faux-bod.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps what anonymous means is that if you aren't attracted to someone as manly as Tiffany VanDemark, then you must be a lesbian.

Also, I've never heard of Tiffany VanDemark. I do not feel as though my life is in any way diminsihed by this fact.

Anonymous said...

i just want to say that i love that cheerful hotdog down there under the tiffany vandermark(s).

the hotdog looks so optimistic. about everything.

Anonymous said...

Well that pic doesnt do her justice at all and yes it is completely without doubt that she is the blonde on the right of the pic.

Anyway since I am so awesome and stuff I made a video that contains her from a WWE ppv...its just the part with her not the rest of the show. Anyway, if you like wrestling then feel free to check out the rest of my vids on youtube and/or check out my wrestling forums at http://visuex.com/oww/index.php

Tiffany Vandemark - now Tiffany Flair:

Anonymous said...

She's the one in the middle, the brunette.

Anonymous said...

I knew
Tiffany as a child and teen. She was always loved by her peers. She always had a smile and was the most most caring person in school. She had to face heart break at an early age. It always seemed like one thing after another, if anything bad happened, it happened to our sweet lovely Tiffany. It only made her tough. This need for emotional strength, i can only guess, influenced her desire for physical strength. Ric Flair is a blessed man to have her loving him.